Art Forms

Women Artists

Thérèse Schwartze: The Painter of the Amsterdam’s Elite

Thérèse Schwartze (1851–1918) grew up in an artistic family in Amsterdam. Her father Johann Georg Schwartze was a painter and he introduced his...

Europeana 21 August 2023


Before Boccioni Turned Futurist

Very few artists developed their styles early in their careers. Most of them searched for new means of expression their entire lives, often making...

Magda Michalska 20 August 2023

Ida Rubinstein and Romaine Brooks Love Story

The Love of Ida Rubinstein and Romaine Brooks

Being a bisexual woman at the beginning of the 20th century was difficult. They were looked down on, they were scorned and discussed behind their...

Magda Michalska 18 August 2023

Art History 101

CoBrA 101: Everything You Need to Know

Following World War II, numerous like-minded European artists claimed complete creative independence. Considering they had a common vision, they...

Tommy Thiange 17 August 2023


Book Review: Dressing Up, The Women Who Influenced French Fashion by Elizabeth L. Block

Dressing Up, The Women Who Influenced French Fashion is a 2021 book written by art historian Elizabeth L. Block. She is the Senior Editor in the...

Errika Gerakiti 17 August 2023


Lady in Red – Famous Red Dresses in Art

Here we present for you 9 ladies wearing red dresses painted by famous artists. You will find Madonnas, prostitutes, symbolic figures, and even a...

Zuzanna Stańska 17 August 2023


Dress Like a Byzantine Empress – Byzantine Art in Fashion Collections

Have you ever wondered how Byzantine art stepped onto the catwalk? It all started with Empress Theodora and a Byzantine-inspired piece of jewelry...

Ela Bobek 17 August 2023

Women Artists

Tina Modotti. A Woman of Her Time

Tina Modotti was a photographer whose path parallels the great moments of 20th-century history. Her way of making art is a testimony to the world...

Maia Heguiaphal 16 August 2023

Women Artists

Tina Modotti: Photographer Made Revolutionary

Her life story reads like a script tailor-made for a movie (are you listening, Hollywood?). After all, how often do we encounter narratives of...

Magda Michalska 16 August 2023


The Marriage of the Virgin: Comparison Between Raphael and Perugino

We remember Raphael for grace, balance, and harmony in his art, which made him one of the great masters of the High Renaissance. His work gave him...

Arianna Richetti 15 August 2023

Quartz and chromium muscovite Wine Cup of Jahangir, ca. 1612 to 1613, RISD Museum, Providence, RI, USA. Design

Jahangir’s Wine Cups: Mughal Decorative Arts

The Mughal Empire stands as one of history’s most opulent periods known to nurture a rich tapestry of art and architecture that offers a...

Maya M. Tola 14 August 2023

Women Artists

Alice Neel: The Story of Defying Convention

Today, Alice Neel is considered one of the greatest portrait painters of the 20th century. As she usually painted her friends, family, neighbors, and...

Gokce Dyson 13 August 2023