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Carlotta Mazzoli 17 October 2024
Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend is a unique event that is organized in Wrocław, Poland on the October 18–20, 2024. It networks and unites various independent galleries, off spaces, artists-run-spaces and artistic collectives as well as artists’ workshops. The October weekend will be full of vernissages, exhibitions, performances, and concerts showing a variety of attitudes and strategies aimed at experimenting with art and exhibition formats.
Wrocław is one of the biggest cities in Poland. It is not, and never was, the capital of the country but we can surely call it the capital of alternative culture! Since mid 1960s the city has been a place of avant-garde, conceptual, and cutting-edge artistic movements. Maybe you have heard of one of two Jerzys—Grotowski or Ludwiński? If not, check these guys and their art practices. In 1970 the city was an arena of the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium—a multi-stage event aimed at the “impossible” art.
Outstanding works of art—like for example a giant chair by Tadeusz Kantor—are located in the public space of Wrocław. Lately there are many off galleries, non-commercial, informal collectives, and various artists workshops that decided to network and together create a special event open to everyone willing to meet new, fresh, innovative art activities.
Tadeusz Kantor, project for Chair sculpture. Kantor Foundation.
Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend is a unique opportunity to visit Wrocław in a very informal way, very close to urbex (urban exploration). During the event one can enter places that are usually closed or inaccessible. Have you ever visited a city through their basements or attics? Have you ever seen an exhibition happening in a kiosk or a container? Have you ever took part in art event happening in the old University Library or a former residence of the Hatzfeld princely family? Well, they all have it for you.
If you want more—you can also access urban port (since Wrocław is located by the Oder River) or a building that functioned as Wrocław Scientific Printing House (on the site that before World War II was used for German printing and cardboard plants).
Olga Dyjak’s exhibition at NOWY ZŁOTY Gallery, 2023, Wrocław, Poland. Photograph by Jerzy Wypych.
Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend is an unprecedented event. Organized spontaneously and entirely without any financial resources, the event brings together the most important independent artistic initiatives in Wrocław: galleries, collectives, and studios. As a result, WOGW showcases a young, interesting, and diverse community, operating somewhat on the margins of the artistic life defined by public institutions or private institutional initiatives.
WOGW does not seek external funding; the collaboration is based on mutual exchange of favors and relying on the creativity and skills of the participants. WOGW does not aim for commercial goals, and the works presented during the event are not for sale. Openness to the public, free admission to all events, and the lack of financial expectations clearly distinguish the Wrocław festival from other similar artistic events.
Exhibition view of Nicponiej Gallery and Friends, 2023, Nicponiej Gallery, Wrocław, Poland. Photograph by Karolina Brzozowska.
Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend, as a phenomenon, undoubtedly has the potential to become a recurring event. During the three-day “festival” one can explore places that are often overlooked and meet the people who create the vibrant artistic community. The lack of formal structure and the sense of freedom encourage meetings, conversations, criticism, and intellectual adventure!
It is also an important factor in building relationships and community bonds. At the same time, it has confirmed how crucial self-organization, spontaneity, and involvement are for defining the identity of the community and creating a real artistic map of Wrocław. Without spectacular gestures, it operates on the principle that the most interesting things often emerge on the margins, where there is also space for experimentation. Take part in it!
Interior of Galeria u Agatki, 2023, Wrocław, Poland. Photography by Jakub Kochański.
Events like Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend focus on grassroots, often unconventional art spaces. This is extremely important, as this is where authentic art truly thrives. Such spaces adopt various strategies and organizational forms, becoming each time a place for experimentation and exploration of new formats of activity. They continuously shape the image of the city’s artistic life in a dynamic way, free from institutional affiliations. They form the primary fabric that builds the city’s artistic structure—spontaneous, open, which is not afraid to experiment, comment, and, most importantly, create relationships. By participating in the event, you support the community with your presence and openness.
Interior of Zakład Pracy Chronionej Hutmen S.A., Wrocław, Poland.
Authors’ bio
Magdalena Kreis is a curator, educator, and cultural animator. For almost 14 years, she has been developing authorial projects in the field of contemporary art and design, the aim of which is to engage audiences at different ages. She is an initiator and co-curator of the NOWY ZŁOTY off-gallery and one of team members conducting the Wrocław Off Gallery Weekend. More:
Piotr Lisowski is an exhibition curator and art historian, author, editor of publications, and independent researcher of contemporary art. He is the artistic director of 66P Subjective Cultural Institution. He worked at Wrocław Contemporary Museum, which he managed in 2020. He was curator and supervisor of the CCA Toruń collection, as well as co-founder of the independent GALERIA MIŁOŚĆ. He works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and teaches the Art Mediation course at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław.
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